Nursing Govt Jobs

Nursing Govt Jobs
If you are a nurse and want to work in an English-speaking country like the USA, Canada, and Australia, you need to clear an exam called as the NCLEX-RN. This simply is the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) which evaluates your competency as a nurse. While the first step to realising this dream is to clear an English proficiency test like the IELTS or OET, NCLEX-RN is step two to reaching your dream destination.
To qualify for these positions, candidates must have completed nursing courses (either a degree or diploma) from institutions or universities recognized by either the Indian Nursing Council or their respective State Nursing Councils. The Indian Nursing Council, established by the Central Government under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, serves as the autonomous body overseeing nursing education and practice standards in India.
What type of Nursing Job positions in Government Sector ?
1. Community Health Officer (CHO).
2. Community Health Assistant, Nursing in Charge.
3. Nursing Officer.
4. Nurse/A.
5. Staff Nurse.
6. Sub Inspector (Staff Nurse).
7. Nursing Sister.
8. Nurse (Research).
9. Faculty Posts in Nursing.
10. BSC (Nursing) Course.